Changes to our radio check-in schedule

Our West Seattle emergency communication hubs are part of a citywide GMRS radio network that will be activated during a disaster. On Monday evenings at 8 PM, we typically test our GMRS radios and systems.

Our check-in day and time will not change, but going forward the check-in will be more informal. As well, we will only test one channel (rather than two channels) each week. The full announcement and details follow:

This is a weekly on-air talk around to test our radios and antennas.  There will not be a formal net, please come up on the weekly designated channel and connect with other GMRS hub radio operators.  Share announcements, compare radios signal strength, meet new operators.  This change was made so it can be more informal and accessible for our new radio operators and to encourage more participation.

1st Monday of the month – Channel 1

2nd Monday of the month – Channel 2

3rd Monday of the month – Channel 4

4th Monday of the month – Channel 6

5th Monday of the month – no test (although the meeting notice might still show up)


If you would like to learn net protocols, listen to the ACS check-in’s at 7:00 on the  Repeater.

Some of the Seattle emergency communication hub volunteers are also part of the Seattle ACS (Auxiliary Communications Service) radio network; that check-in takes place at 7 PM. To learn more about the repeater, visit the Puget Sound Repeater Group (PSRG) site Puget Sound Repeater Group (PSRG) site.

You are welcome to listen to these radio check-in’s, or join the conversation if you have your license!

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